Monday, March 16, 2009

Chapter 3

Captian Green walked into the meeting room around 6:30 am. He had been called, at home, around 3 and told he was needed in Dallas immediately. He was flow in shortly after. He had showered and eaten and was now in full dress uniform before some of the most powerful me of the lower midwest.

“Captian, good to see you.”

It was General Harper. Green saluted the man even though the general was with the army and he with the navy, thus leaving no reason for the formality, but Green held great respect for anymore man who had seen 5 tours of the brushfire wars in the Middle East. Even if he was a land lover. The general waved him off.

“Please, we are all friends here. Have a seat.”

“Thank you sir, but if I may ask who are our other “friends.” Green asked while sitting in the only seat left empty.

The room was dark and their were only three others in the room not including the general and himself.

There was a monitor on the wall behind two of the unknown men which was blank. Other then that the room was empty save the small round table he now sat at with folders in front of each seat.

“This is Colonel Shepard of the Air Force, Major Cole of the Marines, and Mr. Willaims who is here on behalf of the Secretary of Defense. We are all here because of Mr. Williams so I will turn the floor over to him.”

Williams stood. He looked out of place in his Calvin Kline suit among the dress uniforms that sat around him. He also looked like he knew it. His eyes were shifty and he was flexing his right fist. In his left hand was a small remote.

“We are short of time and everything you need to know is in the folder in front of you so I will make this brief. As you all know most of South America have gone silent over the last few years and we have been preparing for an attack on either the US or Mexico. What you all don’t know is that a spy plane captured a full minute of video two days before Columbia went black.”

He pressed a button on his remote and the screen behind them lit up with the refined image of modern spy planes. There were more fires then Green had ever seen and thousands of people running in a steep panic. Then, slowly, more people came limping and crawling behind the runners. The camera zoomed in on these people and it showed chunks of skin taken out of many of of their limbs and they had grey, almost mold looking skin. Many of them were in hospital gowns or scrubs.

The video clicked off and Green looked around the table. Major Cole was the first to speak up.

“So what was it we just looked at? Military experiment gone wrong? Some kind of bio warfare?”

“What do you know about zombies?”

This was the General. He had been looking through his folder and just looked up as the words left his mouth. It was Green’s turn to speak up.

“Zombies? Like witch doctors and spells? Do you really think that is what we are dealing with?”

Williams cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. “We don’t really have any idea what it is but according to sources within South America are calling them zombies so for now that is what we are calling them.”

“So how do we deal with them?” This was Shepard, who Green thought by the way the man came across was all about business.

“That is why you are all here. The President has worked a deal and the General has already begun moving troops across Mexico. Colonel you are to recon the the areas stated in your folder and keeping the General up to date. Major Cole you are to put SEALs in to find to what we are up against. Which is where you come in Captain. Your ship is to be refitted and will support Cole’s men if something goes wrong. Now for the hard part. Because this is the first pre-strike sense World War II no one, not eve your family, can know about what you are doing and if something goes wrong you will not have support outside of the other uniformed men in this room. Are we understood?”

“Wait, so you want us to go black, invade South America, without support, all to take down some theoretical “zombies” right?” This was Major Cole, who Green couldn’t seem to read at the moment.

“That is basically it, yes.”

“Ok then,” Cole turned to Green and smiled, “Guess I will see you on the ship then mate.”


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